Circular Economy: Experts Enjoin Lagosians To Reduce, Recycle Waste

News Opinions & Analysis

Victoria Ojugbana, Lagos

In line with the THEMES agenda of  Governor Babajide Olushola Sanwo-Olu, residents of Lagos State have been enjoined to cultivate the habit of reducing and recycling waste to the barest minimum. 
These were the submissions of experts and stakeholders at a forum held during the weekend in Lagos on Circular Economy and Building Environmental Resilience. 

The Chief Resilience Officer, Lagos State Resilience Office (LASRO), Folayinka Dania, in her address, said efforts are on to ensure that about 14,000 tonnes of waste generated in Lagos are put into good use.
Dania said the circular economy is about reducing waste to the barest minimum, adding that “Lagos State as it currently stands, generates about 13,0000 metric tonnes of waste per day and what we are propagating is how to ensure that we can turn this around in ways that are good for the climate, good for health and good for the people.

“What we are trying to do is to put in place structures that ensure that we reduce our waste to the barest minimum and by also recycling them. That is all that the circular economy is about”, she said.

She also maintained that the programme is around mobilizing stakeholders to key into the state’s agenda on the circular economy, adding “it is not something the government can do alone, but that all stakeholders must be involved, thus facilitating the transition. 

“It is about telling people what we plan to do as a state and getting their insights and contributions on how the state can do this better and ways that we can work together. What we trying to do is tilted towards ensuring that no waste gets to a dumpsite but as it is first things first, we are saying can we reduce plastic waste which would reduce waste in landfills, flooding and some emissions that go into the atmosphere from burning of these plastics and overall a clean air for the city and a healthy living environment for all”, Dania said. 

Also at the event, General Manager, Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency, Dr Dolapo Fasawe, said Nigeria is accustomed to a linear economy.

Fasawe hinted that a circular economy would allow everyone to put everything to good use by ensuring that waste is not wasted.

“It is an economy where, from conception, you are already thinking about sustainability and you want to know what your end product would be. 

 “Plastic is totally a bad thing but when it is not properly disposed of, it clogs our drainage system and causes flooding. So, we are saying when you use plastic, reuse it and recycle it. You can use it up to 10 times and there are off-takers in this country if you need a list, come to LASEPA. They would take your plastic waste and export it for you which would be made into chairs in China. It is a global trend right now because it is good for everyone. 

“If we put all the plastics on the streets back into the system and export them, we make money. If you as an individual decide to start keeping your plastic and sell it to those ones that recycle it, you also make money. 

“Babajide Sanwo-Olu, the governor of Lagos State, is very particular about sustainability and in everything we do from inception to implementation, we are advised to think of how it can be sustainable and institutionalized so that for any government that comes in, the project continues to run”, Fasawe said.
However, the Executive Director, Nondunna Limited, Nonny Ugboma, said Lagos, with a population of over 20 million, is the right place to promote circularity, adding that millions of naira worth of raw materials are being wasted on a daily basis. 

“We have been called upon to work on the project of facilitating circular economy and resilience in Lagos State. Lagos State is already ahead of the game when it comes to promoting circular economy popularity. It is a state that has an agenda and they are doing great things along that path. What we are doing is to facilitate the integration of different things that are happening in the circular economy and environmental resilience space”,  Ugboma said.