‘Nigeria’s Oppressive Majority Rule And The Urgency For Power Rotation In A Consensus Democracy’: By Akeem Awere.

    One of the existential threats to Nigeria’s statehood despite its sixty-three-year status as a democratic republic is the absence of Political justice. That might sound somewhat assertive as an opening statement to a very sensitive topic considered by many Nigerian politicians as an elephant in the room. Yet, I make no bones about it […]

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The Transience of Power And The Plight Of Royal Pawns in The Politics Of Nigeria by Akeem Awere

Majestically, he sat in authority over all that breathes and lifeless. While he lived, he was the soul and mind of his kingdom and was believed to be the deity’s representative on earth. His subjects held him sacrosanct. When he slept, the dominion with him slept until he woke up. He exercised the power of […]

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